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One stop solution for your fashion brand

About Us

Halo, kami adalah Notion Texprint!

Notion Texprint adalah layanan jasa percetakan kain digital yang fokus pada hasil cetakan dan kain berkualitas tinggi bagi penggemar mode untuk menyalurkan gagasan atau ide mereka ke dalam sebuah produk fashion.

Notion Texprint didirikan pada tahun 2015. Dalam misi menghasilkan suatu produk yang memiliki nilai lebih terutama untuk industri fashion dan industri kreatif, kami menghadirkan cara yang inovatif namun terjangkau untuk menambah nilai jual bagi produk tekstil seperti pencetakan kain secara digital.

Secara teknis, Notion Texprint memberikan proses pencetakan dengan kualitas dan resolusi tinggi
( hingga 1080p ).

Oleh karena itu, detail design dan warna dapat dicapai dengan akurat dan baik oleh teknologi yang kami adopsi. Seluruh proses produksi juga langsung ditangani oleh tim ahli kami dalam bidang percetakan kain.

Notion juga melengkapi layanan CMT (Cut, Make, and Trim) untuk local brand.
Sehingga menjadi one stop solution untuk pemilik bisnis dan fashion designer dalam mewujudkan produk yang berkualitas.


For and By designers.

Jakarta, Indonesia

Fashion Design Studio
Young Female Artist
Printing Machine
About Us

One stop solution for your fashion brand

Hello there, we are Notion Texprint !

Basically, Notion Texprint is a digital printing company that focus on printed fabric which provides high quality print and fabric for fashion enthusiasts to channel their notions.


Notion Texprint was establish in 2015. In order to fabricate something more valuable for our fashion and creative industry, we present an innovative way yet affordable to add more value for our textile products such as printed fabric.

Likewise, Notion Texprint provides high quality and full resolution printing ( up to 1080p ) for your designs and patterns into selected material or fabric based on designers needs. Hence, the detail of the graphic and colour accuracy is achievable with the cutting-edge technology and handled by our expert team.

Our prime concerns are quality and lead time. We do believe that a good design needs a perfect outcome. Therefore, Notion Texprint only produces a delicate and fine custom printed fabrics for our customers.

Notion also complements CMT (Cut, Make, and Trim) services for local brands. So that it becomes a one stop solution for business owners and fashion designers in creating quality products.


For and By designers.

Jakarta, Indonesia

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our admin will reach you back at our office hour.

Monday to Friday ( 10:00 - 17:00 )

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